Friday, January 1, 2016

16 Quotes to Help You Conquer 2016

2016, are you ready? ‘Cause we’re coming for you. I woke up this morning with new adventures and uncharted territory in my gut, knowing that the next 365 days hold immeasurable potential if I choose to live each one to its fullest. Now, I know that “resolutions” have a lot of haters out there, and I agree that all too often they’re just more rules that we set for ourselves (eat less, break that bad habit, stop hitting the snooze button) instead of exciting opportunities to grow more into our best selves. So this year, let’s simply call them “goals”… and what better way to get motivated than through the wisdom of those who have set big goals before us? Click through for the quotes that are getting me fired up for 2016 (I’m printing them out for the bathroom mirror!), and of course, I’d love it if you’d share your favorite quote ...see the slideshow here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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