Sunday, January 22, 2017

Weekend Notes

chia, acai, strawberry breakfast jar

*photo: chia, acai & strawberry breakfast jar from the awesome green Morning, friends! It’s been an inspiring weekend to see more than a million women across the country march in solidarity. As someone who believes that good will ultimately prevail, yesterday’s events made me realize one excellent result that’s come from the upheaval of the recent election: it’s woken up many (myself included) who once sat on the political sidelines to realize that we all have to stay engaged, be involved, and know that every single one of us has a part to play in achieving change. Yesterday made me so proud to be a woman, and to show my daughter the greatness of women when they join in love and kindness and stand firm together. xo *and a few great links from around the web this week: I’m bookmarking this list for 2017 travel ideas. A mean green detox vegetable soup. Have you the rest of the story here

The post Weekend Notes appeared first on Camille Styles.

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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