Sunday, January 29, 2017

Weekend Notes

catahoula hotel, new orleans

photo from local milk By the time you read this, I’ll be capping off a long weekend in NOLA celebrating a dear friend’s birthday with beignets, jazz, and sazeracs. I haven’t been to the Big Easy since I was a kid, so I’m really looking forward to a couple days of poking around the neighborhoods and discovering all the great spots. Nothing inspires me more than exploring new and unfamiliar cities, so no doubt I’ll come home brimming with thoughts and ideas. Follow along on my Instagram for a few peeks at the trip, and if I come home with enough snapshots, I’ll post a little recap here on the blog next week. Until then, have a fabulous rest of your weekend, and enjoy a few of my favorite links from around the web this week! xo How to quit your job and pursue your passion…successfully. 7 on-the-go foods to help you survive a the rest of the story here

The post Weekend Notes appeared first on Camille Styles.

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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