Thursday, January 26, 2017

Healthy Almond Joy Bites

Healthy Almond Joy Bites

After weeks of cookies, cocktails and indulging without abandon, I decided that January 2017 needed to be a month without refined sugars. A brave move for a baker (read: sugar addict), I know, but when moderation no longer holds meaning, work has to be done. I’ve spent the last four weeks rediscovering my love for nourishing fresh fruit, deeply caramelized root vegetables and, my ultimate favorite, homemade almond milk (if you’ve never made it, it’s a must). And, no surprise, I feel great! My skin is clearer, my energy levels are upped and my 2017 is looking peachy. The one little hiccup? Chocolate cravings. Ohhh, how I miss dark chocolate.  *photography by katie wahlman     ...see the slideshow here

The post Healthy Almond Joy Bites appeared first on Camille Styles.

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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