Sunday, May 24, 2015

Weekend Notes

natalie portman // dior
Happy long weekend, darlings! The forecast is calling for a grey, rainy Memorial Day around here, but I don’t mind: all we have on the agenda is hunkering down with our new babe, visiting with family and friends who stop by, and probably binge-ing on our latest HBO addiction, Veep. This first week with Henry has been perfect, despite the lack of sleep (which, let’s be real, has made me occasionally crazy.) It’s funny how even though he can’t “give” anything back yet in terms of smiles or words, he has already melted my heart so much that I attribute everything he does to pure sweetness and would do literally anything for this boy. I’m savoring these last couple of days before Adam goes back to work on Tuesday — and have to admit I’m a tad apprehensive about waking up next week with a newborn, 2-year-old, and an entire day stretching before us! the rest of the story here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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