Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A Wild and Whimsical Baby Shower

"naked" cake with eucalyptus
The ladies behind this baby shower had the right idea. When asked what her number one rule was, co-host Megan Swartz Gellert replied, “If you have fun, interesting people in your life, every gathering will be a god time.” Combine that mentality with great taste, a gorgeous space, and this stylin’ Texas couple, and it’s no surprise this event was a slam dunk. I could go on and on about what I love about this shower (overflowing brunch buffet! jaw dropping interiors! yards upon yards of eucalyptus!), but you’re better off seeing it all for yourself. Click through and enjoy… *photography by Dana Fernandez Photography ...see the slideshow here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles http://ift.tt/1J20Nr6

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