Sunday, January 25, 2015

Weekend Notes

Hope y’all are having a great weekend so far! We hosted a couples’ baby shower for some good friends at our house last night, and it was so fun celebrating their soon-to-arrive bundle who will be just 6 weeks older than ours. Today will be whipping the house back into shape, doing a massive grocery shop (you know when your fridge is literally empty? that’s mine right now), and a trip to the park with Phoebe to soak up some of this unexpected January sunshine. We have some posts come up this week that I’m really excited about — one of my favorite Entertaining With’s ever, a new dessert series just in time for V-day, and a step-by-step on deep cleaning your kitchen! — but for now, enjoy a few of my favorite links from around the web last week! xo The 5 stages of waking up on a Monday the rest of the story here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles


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