Monday, January 12, 2015

Dyed in the Wool

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, dyed-in-the-wool is an adjective meaning “having opinions that are very strong and do not change.” While I wouldn’t say I’m dyed-in-the-wool when it comes to politics, I’ve certainly got some strong notions when it comes to aesthetics. Ideas like: wood is better than plastic. Cream looks more expensive than white. Candlelight is the most flattering light. And tweed is forever. With temperatures in the thirties and lower this week in Austin (brrr!) I’m very much appreciating my Dale of Norway sweater, made by the hundred year old Norwegian company from 100% wool. I suppose you could say I’m getting pretty set in my ways when it comes to winter fashion in general. Black hunter boots, a chic camel coat, pearl studs and a good wool sweater… just don’t ever try to tell me anything different. image sources {row one} igor mamantov, spletnik, john balsom for the rest of the story here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles


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