Thursday, May 1, 2014

What’s New for May :: Wellness

Butter Coffee…Miracle Drink or Crazy Health Fad?, our picks for the latest in workout gear, a sneak peek inside the healthy and inspiring lifestyle of superstar athlete couple Olympian Trey Hardee and his fiancee Chelsea Johnson (pictured)—and this is just the beginning of all we have in store for you this month, as we focus on all things Wellness!

For us, it isn’t just about physical health (although a dear friend of the blog will share her personal story of how she lost over 130 pounds in the past year and completely changed her life). It is also very much about our mental health and spiritual lives. Jenn will sit down with the founder of the Happiness App, “a mood tracker and journal app that helps you track your happiness and presents this with clear visualization” while Camille will share her thoughts on the importance of starting your day off with some quiet time or mediation.

Between an effortlessly cool dinner (pictured) hosted by Currie Person of Austin’s beloved Spartan Shop, San Francisco’s Voyager and Portland’s Beam & Anchor for our Entertaining With Series, a Rio de Janeiro-inspired pool party with Kate Spade and the 30th birthday of our fearless leader (Camille!) on May 29, there will be also be plenty of celebrating throughout the month!

from Camille Styles


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