Monday, May 5, 2014

How to :: Be Happier Now in 9 Simple Steps

Lately I’ve been on a quest of sorts — a quest to understand happiness. It started with watching documentaries about the human condition like I AM and 10 Questions for the Dalai Lama, and ultimately led me to stumble upon an incredible site called Happier. Happier is an app for your phone — I can hear you now, how does an app make someone happier? Well… it doesn’t really. What it does is lead you to discover the happiness that’s already in your life by encouraging you to practice gratitude on a daily basis. I’ve been doing it and I love it. In the midst of a dialogue about how technology is ruining our lives, it’s very encouraging to discover a person who’s taken that technology and used it to help people. We caught up with Happier founder, Nataly Kogan, to talk about everyday things we can all do to be happier people. Here, she gives us nine simple tips to apply to our own lives (and a very special discount for Camille Styles readers!) Read on to discover more:

from Camille Styles


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